Welcome to the French Glial Cell Club!

IAS | International Astrocyte School – April 14-18th, 2025

The International Astrocyte School is aimed at all those who are attracted by the most intriguing hypotheses on the role of astrocytes and other glial cells in brain function and dysfunction and wish to learn how to best approach these problems. The school, with its strategy of disseminating state-of-the-art knowledge, is especially targeted at young scientists beginning their careers in this field, but is also open to senior scientists wishing to refresh their glial background.

A hallmark of our School is the debate of intriguing concepts, often with contradictory data in current literature. One of the aims of the School is to critically evaluate the available data and possible interpretations, following rigorous and unbiased scientific approaches. Every year, the IAS Agora brings students and faculty together to discuss selected themes, in an open and informal fashion (when possible in the beautiful context of an open-air amphitheatre).

Application will close on December 16th, 2024.

EMBO Workshop | Astrocytes: from Molecules to System – April 14-18th, 2025

The EMBO Workshop Astrocytes: From Molecules to Systems is the first international meeting dedicated to astrocytes. The diverse molecular and biochemical profiles and functions of astrocytes pose unprecedented technological and conceptual challenges in both fundamental and translational neurosciences. Addressing astrocyte pathophysiology requires a multidisciplinary approach, fostering collaboration across fundamental, translational, and computational neuroscience. In this context, a comprehensive panel of speakers will offer complementary perspectives on astrocyte research. The workshop will provide a 360-degree view of the current state of astrocyte science and aims to strengthen the research community by facilitating discussions on a roadmap for the next decade. This EMBO Workshop on Astrocytes will take place in April 2025 in Venice, Italy, at the exclusive venue of Venice International University on San Servolo Island.

Registration and abstract submission will close on February 14th, 2024.

27th Meeting of the French Glial Cell Club – October 8-11th, 2024

The Glial Cells French Club is organizing its annual meeting from October 8th to October 11th, 2024, in the city of Sète, located in the south of France.

This international meeting will bring together expert scientists in the field of glial cell biology from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK and the US. The program offers comprehensive coverage of the burgeoning field of glia research, featuring 2 plenary lectures, 6 symposia, 2 poster sessions, a technichal workshop and the general assembly (see program).

Registration and abstract submission for posters will close on June 20th, 2024.

French NeuroImmunology Club Workshop – May 23-24th, 2024

Registration for the French Club of Neuroimmunology annual Workshop is now open.

This event is an excellent (and cost-effective) opportunity to showcase your work on all aspects of neuroimmunology! Students and postdocs are encouraged to submit applications for oral and/or poster presentations. They will have a rare chance to receive valuable feedback from esteemed international experts in the field!